About Euchoetry

Being in the Presence of the Creator often unleashes our own creativity.

In November 2019, after a couple months of consistently spending time with our Lord Jesus Christ in Eucharistic Adoration, Eric Robinson was given a simple inspiration to write a poem about the Eucharist. This inspiration led to an idea…

What if people from all over the world were inspired to write poems about the Presence of God in the Eucharist while actually being in the Presence of God through Eucharistic Adoration?

That idea led to another…

What if those who have yet to receive our Lord in the Eucharist were so stunned by the beauty and love expressed in these poems that they were drawn into full communion with the Catholic Church and were then able to partake of the same Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ?

If brought to fruition, these ideas could change everything. Those involved would be transfigured by the Presence of God and the world around them would be transformed!

After Eric spent a year of writing poems and being eager to invite others to join the movement, euchoetry.com was launched on January 1st, 2021, the feast of Mary, Mother of God.

The long-term vision of Euchoetry is to compile these poems into a book or books so that people can bring a hard copy of these poems into Adoration with them and be ignited in their faith and filled with awe and wonder as they worship Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The first book of Euchoetry is now available to purchase on Amazon and is comprised of the first 100 poems written by Eric Robinson while in Eucharistic Adoration.

May your faith be filled, your hope strengthened, and your love burn bright as you encounter the living God through the beauty of poetry written in his Presence.

About the Founder

Eric Robinson

Eric Robinson is a Catholic husband, father, and evangelist on mission to draw all people into full communion with the Holy Catholic Church and to set everyone on fire with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through prayer, teaching, works of mercy, and family life. To fulfill the teaching component of this mission, he has written five books: Thoughts of a Changed Mind: Letters from Father to Son (2016), Thoughts of a Sacramental Mind (2020), Visible Unity: A Calling of Christ for the Church (2020), Essays in the Deep (2021), and Euchoetry: Poems in the Presence Volume 1 (2023). He also started a YouTube channel, website, and podcast under the name, Polycarp’s Paradigm.

Eric was not always a Catholic. In fact, he grew up without the Eucharist as an Evangelical Protestant in various denominations, but his hunger for the truth and his desire to be part of the early Church eventually led him into the Catholic Church in 2015. Since that time, Eric has come to love our Lord in the Eucharist and has had the privilege of taking Holy Communion to the sick and homebound, which has been his favorite ministry up to this point. Additionally, he has taught classes for Adult and Youth Faith Formation and has his Master of Arts in Theology from Holy Apostles College & Seminary.

Eric is very excited about euchoetry.com so he can have the chance to read beautiful poems by other people and be inspired by their love for the Lord in the Eucharist.

Ways to Help

Spread the word about euchoetry.com.

Invite others to write poems in the Presence of God in Eucharistic Adoration and submit them to this website. 

Share new poems on your social media accounts and with your friends and family.