Fullness of joy in your Presence,
Your heart laid before me ravishes my own,
Feelings of love fire through my soul,
Deep yearnings for others to partake of your Presence,
Grips me deep within my bones.
O what joy when others come to see the truth of the Eucharist,
Your Presence still with us.
Words cannot describe,
This mystery so sublime.
All people long for this encounter,
Though many don’t know to look at the Catholic Church,
The Church which you are the Founder.
Witnesses arise,
Let the world see you shine,
With Eucharistic glow,
The world will come to know.
The Catholic Church is God’s own Bride,
All will have joy if they lay down their pride.
Flocks of people will come into this Sacred Family,
The Holy Spirit is working to restore Christian unity.
Eyes fixed on Jesus,
Source of all joy,
Locked eyes never waver,
Steadfastness we employ.
A marvelous work is being done,
Let us join God, who is on the run.
He runs to every human heart,
Knocking at the door of every sort.
So, open up,
He comes to sup,
Bread made Body,
Wine made Blood,
Drink, Beloved, from the Sacred Cup.